Presentations 2018
Presentations are being uploaded on an ongoing basis.
1st Plenary Session
Session 1
- Benedetto Nastasi: Synthetic fuels potential by Power-To-Gas integration at National level for enhancing energy independency
- Hanmin Cai: Fuel shift for improving urban integrated energy system operation and efficiency (Presentation is not available for download)
- Andrei David: Techno-economic analysis of electrofuel production in a Danish Smart Energy System
- Sara Bellocchi: On integrating electric vehicles into Smart Energy Systems: Italy and Germany in comparison
- Timo Kannengiesser: Optimization of Urban Energy Supply Systems Considering Various Sector-Coupling Options for Different Penetration Rates of Battery Electric Vehicles (Presentation is not available for download)
Session 2
- Richard P. van Leeuwen: Integration of waste heat and renewables into district heating systems in East-Netherlands
- Hanne Kauko: Thermal storage and optimal control for improved utilization of industrial waste heat in district heating
- Alexandre Canet: Feasibility of Transporting Industrial Waste Heat Over Long Distances: A Case Study in South Wales (UK)
- Johannes Pelda: Methodology to evaluate and map the potential of waste heat from sewage water by using internationally available open data
- Marcello Aprile: District power-to-heat/cool complemented by sewage heat recovery
Session 3
- Bernd Möller: A Global Spatial Model to Identify Opportunities for Local Smart Energy Systems
- Kamal Kuriyan: A combined spatial and technological model for the planning of district energy systems
- Joseph Maria Jebamalai: An automated GIS-based planning and design tool for district heating: Scenarios for a Dutch city
- Jakob Zinck Thellufsen: Geographical distribution of heat savings in a smart energy system
Session 4
- Carsten Bojesen: Friction Reducing Additives in the Future District Heating and Cooling Systems
- Dirk Vanhoudt: Technological Solutions to Reduce District Heating Network Temperatures - the TEMPO Project
- Igor Krupenski: Development prospects for small low-temperature district heating networks
- Tobias Sommer: Lowering the pressure in district heating and cooling networks by alternating the connection of the expansion vessel
- Marco Pellegrini: Technological and non-technological barriers in the revamping of traditional district heating networks into low temperature district heating: an Italian case study
Session 5
- Jan Eric Thorsen: Load shift experience with ULTDH booster substation for multifamily building
- Christian Holmstedt Hansen: Cost efficiency of district heating for low energy buildings of the future
- Kevin Michael Smith: Model predictive control of a heat-booster substation in ultra-low temperature district heating networks
- Pierre Vogler-Finck: Reducing supply temperature in existing buildings with an innovative advanced heating curve control technology
- Jens Møller Andersen: Lowering of return temperature in district heating systems by Integration between heating and ventilation systems in households
Session 6
- Gijstbert Korevaar: Agent-based modelling for the thermal energy transition of natural gas dependent neighborhoods
- Søren Djørup: The Technical Rate of Substitution between Wind Power and Photovoltaics in a Smart Energy System
- Niels M. Westera: Exploring community acceptance of ownership models for district heating as an alternative to natural gas-based residential heating in a city in the Netherlands
- Daniel Møller Sneum: State of the art in the States: Applying an analytic framework for flexibility in US district energy systems
- David G. Barns: The value(s) of thermal storage
Session 7
- Daniel Trier: Sector coupling and distributed energy storages for the integration of renewable energy sources
- Jay Hennessy: Thermal grid flexibility: a review of district heating thermal storage to facilitate flexibility
- Shalika Walker: Gas-free alternatives for existing buildings with the use of heat pumps and thermal storage – a case study (Presentation is not available for download)
- Tommy Rosén: System perspective on biogas use for transport and electricity production
- Nicolas Lamaison: Storage Influence in a Combined Biomass/Power-to-Heat Production Plant
Session 8
- François Maréchal: Towards the 5th generation of district heating/cooling systems
- Henrik Pieper: Large-scale heat pump integration model: A case study of Tallinn district heating
- Gaétan Chardon: Absorption heat pumps in district heating networks: 4 operating modes
- Matteo Caramaschi: Novel Domestic Hot Water Microbooster Heat Pump in Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating
- Diego Hangartner: Heat pumps in district heating and cooling systems – Case studies for Switzerland
Session 9
- Steen Schelle Jensen: Introducing SCADA for district heating distribution
- Matteo G. Prina: Creating optimal transition pathways from 2015 to 2050 towards low carbon energy systems using the EnergyPLAN software: methodology and application to South Tyrol
- Mostafa Fallahnejad: Impact of heating planning on the economic viability of District heating in Brasov-Romania
- Richard Büchele: Integrated strategic heating and cooling planning on regional level for the case of Brasov
- Julian Wruk: An optimisation model for smart distribution network planning
Session 10
- Morten Hofmeister: Solar Thermal – innovative technology and essential energy source in smart energy systems
- Roman Geyer: Barriers and Opportunities for Large-Scale Heat Pumps in Austrian District Heating and Cooling Networks
- Olatz Terreros: Investigating heat pump pooling concepts in rural district heating networks in Austria
- Sylvain Quoilin: Aggregation of flexible domestic heat pumps for the provision of reserve in power systems
- Wiebke Meesenburg: Dynamic behaviour of large scale heat pumps and the implications for the potential to supply ancillary services – Experiences from EnergyLab Nordhavn
Session 11
- Leif Gustavsson: Primary energy and cost implications of supplying district heat of different temperature levels to new residential areas
- Dorte Skaarup Østergaard: Heating of existing buildings by low-temperature district heating
- Øystein Rønneseth: Is it possible to supply Norwegian apartment blocks with 4th generation district heating?
- Kerstin Sernhed: Solutions and regulations to deal with legionella problems in district heating systems
- Anna Kallert: Effects of decreasing domestic hot water supply temperatures for the efficient energy supply of buildings using low-temperature supply concepts - Extrapolation to Germany
Session 12
- Anna Volkova: Development of a user-friendly mobile app for the 4th generation district heating promotion at the national level
- Nadine Aoun: Load shifting of space-heating demand in district heating systems based on a reduced-order building model identifiable at substation level
- Kaisa Kontu: From partial optimization to overall system management – Analysis of district heating consumption data after consumers implementing demand response actions
- Sonja Salo: The Effect of Demand Response on Perceived Thermal Comfort in a District Heated Office Building
- Morten Karstoft Rasmussen: Customer classification based on heat load pattern recognition
Session 13
- Ralf-Roman Schmidt: District heating and cooling networks in an integrated energy system context – approaches within the IEA DHC Annex TS3
- Salem Alsaleh: Comparative Analysis of District Cooling and Multiplicity Air-Conditioning Units – Case Study for Dubai
- Gabriele Cassetti: A methodology for tertiary buildings cooling energy need estimation: a case study in Marrakech
- Hironao Matsubara: Comparative analysis of building and area heat demand and renewable energy supply in Japan
Session 14
- Dagnija Blumberga: Solar DH system sustainability and flexibility increase forecast via power-to-heat technology integration. System dynamic approach
- Jes Donneberg: Energy Hybrid Solution based on the Integration of Concentrated Solar Power
- Borna Doračić: Determining the feasibility of excess heat utilization in district heating system consisting of natural gas cogeneration and solar thermal
- Marcin Bugaj: Experimental study on the operating characteristics of a carbon dioxide transcritical heat pump combined with a single stage two-bed adsorption chiller and a PV installation in a low thermal district heating system: A case study (Presentation is not available for download)
Session 15
- Peter Jorsal: Are Pre-insulated Pipe Systems according to the European Standards Over-engineered for Low Temperature Systems?
- Luis Sánchez-García: Reducing peak flow by use of plate heat exchangers for hot water preparation
- Aleksandr Hlebnikov: Lowering supply temperatures and its impact on the district heating system component parameters. Case study: town of Maardu, Estonia
- Johannes Küchle: Thermo-hydraulic implications of different design guidelines for 4th Generation District Heating Networks
Session 16
- Jonas Hinker: A technology agnostic system platform for real options
- Esmir Maslesa: The role of Energy Management System for heating consumption in office buildings: a case study of the Danish Building and Property Agency
- Elisa Guelpa: Software for the optimal management of large district heating networks: a real application (Presentation is not available for download)
- Romain Lambert: Scaling up digital technology for district heating – experience from large scale implementations of peak power optimization (Presentation is not available for download)
Session 17
- David Pearson: Network Characteristics to Optimise the Efficient Application of Ammonia in District Heating systems
- Dietrich Schmidt: District Lab - Experimental facility for innovative district heating systems on a community level
- Federico Bava: Recommendations for Combined District Heating and Cooling Networks
- Gašper Stegnar: Pathway for shallow geothermal energy potential in district heating systems development in Slovenia
Session 18
- Bente Johnsen Rygg: The role of 4th generation district heating in a future energy system based on hydropower
- Roberta Roberto: Towards the integration of prosumers in district heating networks
- Gunnar Lennermo: Requirements for a prosumer facility
- Susana Paardekooper: The interplay between heat savings and district heating on a national level: an iterative approach
Heat Roadmap Europe results: Roadmaps and the Pan-European Thermal Atlas 4
Session 19
- Anders N. Andersen: The Danish triple tariff and the radically changing role of CHPs through the transition to a renewable energy system
- Daniela Guericke: A novel bidding method for combined heat and power units in district heating systems
- Lennart Merkert: Optimal scheduling of combined heat and power generation units using the thermal inertia of the connected district heating grid as energy storage (Presentation is not available for download)
- Sara Månsson: Faults in district heating substations
Session 20
- Carsten Østergaard Pedersen: Reduce heat losses with low temperature zoning
- Oliver Martin-Du Pan: A methodology is proposed to reduce heat losses in UK district heating networks and challenging the fourth generation of district heating definition
- Jan van Deventer: Interoperability of Smart Energy Systems
- Alfred Heller: HEATman – Next generation District Heating concept
- Souman Rudra: Future district heating plant integrated with sustainable hydrogen production
Session 21
- Casey Cole: Using machine learning algorithms to radically improve heat network performance (Presentation is not available for download)
- Asad Ashfaq: Optimisation of Low Temperature District Heating Networks using Machine Learning Methods
- Russell McKenna: Extending a building-scale optimisation model to low-temperature district heating systems
- Lisa Brange: Method for addressing bottleneck problems in district heating networks
Session 22
- Andra Blumberga: Optimisation of energy efficiency measures in historic buildings
- Giorgio Cucca: Energy models for deep retrofitted homes using Energiesprong approach (Presentation is not available for download)
- Saleh Mohammadi: Performance analysis of photovoltaic thermal collectors (PV/T) integration with local heat grid configurations, A case study of Dutch renovated house (Presentation is not available for download)
- Martin Crane: Low cost domestic retrofit district heating optimisation
- Ahmad Said Galadanci: Building Energy Investigation: Understanding our buildings from an energy perspective
- Urban Persson: Urban waste heat recovery potential in EU28 - Mapping and geographical visualization
- Kenneth Hansen: Excess heat potential – Urban data in energy system scenarios analysis
- Kristina Lygnerud: Business models and contract arrangements of excess heat
- Chris Garside: Financing for excess heat
Session 23
- Anders Dyrelund: Cost effective development of a low carbon energy system in cities
- Mario Potente Prieto: Multi-scenario simulation and energy - EXERGY analysis of a district heating network for a case study in the city of Vienna
- Patryk Chaja: Simulation of an alternative energy system for district heating company in the light of changes in regulations of the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere
- Benedikt Pesendorfer: Coupled local district heating and electrical distribution grids: An Austrian case study
- Paolo Leoni and Alessandro Capretti: The TEMPO project: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing Innovative Solutions for lowering the Temperatures in the District Heating Network of Brescia (Italy)
Session 24
- Gorm Bruun Andresen: Cost sensitivity of optimal sector-coupled district heating production systems
- Wen Liu: The marginal pricing mechanism for a competitive wholesale district heating market-a case study in the Netherlands (Presentation is not available for download)
- Maciej Widziński: Comparison in an energy and economic aspects of a real district heating enterprise with a simulation model based on functioning heat and power plant (Presentation is not available for download)
- Muhannad Delwati: Hasselt case study, preliminary economic aspect and simulation
- Kun Zhu: Impact of CO2 prices in the decarbonization of coupled electricity and heating sectors
Session 25
- Urban Persson: Heat Roadmap Europe: Heat distribution costs
- Tomislav Novosel: Heating demand and supply analysis – Development of an energy atlas
- Michiel Fremouw: PLANHEAT: mapping LowEx HC sources using public geodata
- Miguel Chang: Heat Roadmap Chile: District heating and cooling in the future Chilean energy system
- Nis Bertelsen: Review of historical and current European heat planning frameworks: heat market arrangements
Session 26
- Louise Ödlund: District heating measures – Driving forces and implementation
- Britta Kleinertz: Heat Dispatch Centre – Symbiosis of different heat generation units to reach cost efficient low emission heat supply
- Toshihiko Nakata: Design and analysis of district heating system utilizing excess heat in Japan
- Cord Kaldemeyer: Integration of varying flow temperatures in unit commitment models of future district heating systems
- Hrvoje Dorotić: Impact of a waste heat integration on district heating systems’ multi-objective optimization results
Session 27
- Vittorio Verda: Compact model for the simulation of thermal networks
- Peter Lorenzen: Flexibility in district heating systems - A suitable definition and model to describe the temperature and energy flexibility
- Marta Victoria: Modeling the future contribution of photovoltaics to low-carbon energy systems (Presentation is not available for download)
- Danica Maljkovic: Modelling influential factors of consumption in district heating systems
- Shobhana Singh: Physical modelling of heat pump for simultaneous space heating and hot water demand (Presentation is not available for download)
THERMOS National Inspire Event
- Steffen Nielsen: Introduction to THERMOS
- Alis Daniela Torres: Transformation from SEAP to SECAP. Overview of THERMOS activities and the sustainable adoption roadmap of the tool
- Kamal Kuriyan: Energy system modelling concepts for district heating
- Joshua Thumim: Introduction and demonstration of the THERMOS tool
2nd Plenary Session
- Mark Z. Jacobson: Transitioning towns, cities, and countries to 100% clean, renewable energy for all purposes
- Xiliang Zhang: District Heating in China: status quo, challenges and perspective
- Neven Duic: District heating and 4th generation district heating in Eastern Europe