Presentations 2015
Keynote Speakers:
Xiliang Zhang: The Role of District Heating in China’s Energy Revolution and Related Applications in Northeast China
Anders Eldrup: District heating - the Danish case as an export model?
Philippe Schild: EU Research and Innovation towards an integrated approach on district heating and cooling
Track 1: Smart Energy Systems
Session keynote Erik Ahlgren: Assessing impacts of a regional collaboration on large-scale excess heat utilization
Jean Duquette: Assessing the Impact of Wave Energy Integration in a Remote Canadian Community Equipped With a District Energy Grid
Amru R. Razani: Genetic algorithm Technique to optimize the configuration of heat storage in DH Network
Benedetto Nastasi: Hydrogen to link Heat and Electricity in transition stage to Future Smart Energy Systems
Track 2: Future district heating production and systems
Session keynote Leif Gustavsson: Renewable-based heat supply of multi-apartment buildings with varied heat demands
David Maya-Drysdale: Matching heat demand with heat supply resources in district heating systems
Dražen Balić: District heating as the thermal storage – support to the power system with potential for a higher integration of RES
Oddgeir Gudmundsson: Cost of District Heating and Individual Heating Technologies
Veronika Wilk: River water heat pumps for district heat supply in large cities in Austria: Study of potential and techno-economic optimization
Track 3: Energy planning and planning tools
Session keynote Bernd Möller: A Pan-European Thermal Atlas of Potentials, Costs and System Properties
Ekaterina E. Iakimetc: Heat supply planning in the conditions of development of energy-efficient technologies in construction
Lars Grundahl: Comparison of heat atlas results with real-world measurements
Romain S.C. Lambert: Optimal multi-stage district heat expansion planning with real options
Track 4: Low-temperature district heating grids
Session keynote Markus Köfinger: Low temperature district heating micro-networks in Austria: comparison of four case studies
DHC+ SA Winner Wiet Mazairac: Integrated Modeling and Simulation of Electricity, Gas and Heat Networks Underlying a Sustainable City Infrastructure
Edgars Vigants: Low return temperature impact to DH system efficiency. Case study
Maksym Kotenko: Minimization of losses in low temperature district heating
Track 5: Low-temperature district heating and buildings
Session keynote Anders Dyrelund: The District Energy System – a cost effective virtual electricity storage
DHC+ SA Winner S. Paardekooper: Optimal heat pump use in European cities
Kasper Qvist: Ultra Low-Temperature District Heating With 35 °C Supply Temperature
Best Presentation Award winner, PhD category, Dorte S. Larsen: Possibilities and costs of preparing existing Danish single family houses from the 1930s for space heating with low-temperature district heating
Track 6: Organisations, ownership and institutions
Session keynote D. Blumberga: Legislative analysis for the 4th generation district heating in Latvia. Riga case
Søren Djørup: Public Regulation of District Heating Companies in a Smart Energy System
Kirsten Hasberg: Development of an open heating platform – The case of Hamburg
Sara Fritz: The impact of policies in the building sector influence the economic feasibility of district heating
DHC+ SA Winner S. Provatas: An online machine learning algorithm for heat load forecasting in District Heating systems
Track 7: Smart Energy Systems
Session keynote Anders B. Hansen: Energy system integration with efficient use of high temperature excess heat
Damien Casetta: Dynamic Modelling of a District Cooling Network with Modelica
Christoffer Lythcke-Jørgensen: A method for designing flexible multi-generation plants
Jakob Z. Thellufsen: Multiple Energy System Analysis of Smart Energy Systems
Jørgen Boldt: Demonstration of 4DH solutions in a large city development area
Track 8: Future district heating production and systems
Session keynote Ingo Weidlich: Challenges in smart energy transport using trenchless technology
Goran Krajačić: Contributing global CO2 mitigation by utilisation of food industry heat into smart Croatian DHS via Total Site heat recovery
Oliver Martin-Du Pan: Heat Losses in District Heating Systems and Heat Meters
Kenneth Hansen: Comparing heat supply to heat savings with a levelised costs approach and an energy system approach
Paweł Gilski: Influence of stray currents on district heating pipelines failure rate
Track 9: Energy planning and planning tools
Session keynote Sven Werner: European cooling demands
Stefan Petrović: Ringkøbing-Skjern energy atlas for analysis of heat saving potentials in building stock
Fanni Sáfián: Is there room for renewables in 2030? – analysing the effects of a new nuclear power plant in Hungary
Richard Büchele: Comprehensive assessment of the potential for the application of high-efficiency cogeneration and efficient district heating and cooling
Track 10: Smart Energy Systems
Session keynote Johan Desmedt: The role and potential of distributed thermal energy storage systems for active control of district heating networks
Lisa Brand: Prosumers in District Heating networks - problems and possibilities
Barbara Fricke: 100% renewable municipal energy supply: Chances and restrictions of solar thermal district heating
Magdalena Berberich: Solar-CHP - development of multifunctional systems combining CHP with solar thermal plant
Natalia Kabalina: Exergy analysis of polygeneration DHC system based on the gasification of RDF
Track 11: Future district heating production and systems
Session keynote Goran Krajačić: Reducing CO2 emissions and increasing the integration of renewables through the utilization of smart district heating system in the City of Velika Gorica
Matteo G. Prina: Smart energy systems applied at urban level: the case of the municipality of Bressanone-Brixen
Leif Gustavsson: Effects of energy efficiency measures in buildings on different types of district heating systems
Gunnar Lennermo: Decentralised heat generation in district heating systems
Jacek Kalina: Advanced hybrid and combined small-scale thermal energy conversion systems for efficient use of locally available resources
Track 12: Energy planning and planning tools
Session keynote Ralf-R. Schmidt: Feasibility of micro-DH networks in scattered urban areas using local sources: analyses of technical and non-technical barriers of a case study
Paul Booij: Integrated planning, design and operation of 4th generation district heating and cooling networks
Weiming Xiong: Case study of the constraints and potential contributions regarding wind curtailment in Northeast China
Tomislav Novosel: Heat demand mapping and the utilization of district heating in energy systems with a high share of renewables: Case study for the city of Osijek
Track 13: Smart Energy Systems
Session keynote Justin NW. Chiu: Economic Assessment of Industrial Surplus Heat Transportation
Peter Sorknæs: The transition of small-scale CHP into market-based smart energy systems
Tim Farrell: District Energy in Cities: Unlocking the Potential of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Johan Desmedt: The H2020 STORM project: Self-organising thermal resource management as future intelligent control of district heating and cooling networks
Dietmar Schüwer: The potential of heat and grid orientated block CHP on the minute reserve market and its impacts on CO2 emissions - prospects for the German energy market
Track 14: Future district heating production and systems
Session keynote and Best Presentation Award winner, senior category, Urban Persson: Current and future prospects for heat recovery from waste in European district heating systems: A literature and data review
Dominik Bothe: Thermo-hydraulic simulation of district heating networks
Jelena Ziemele: System dynamics model analysis of pathway to 4th generation district heating systems in the Baltic States
Charlotte Marguerite: Selection of design scenarios for an industrial waste heat based micro-district heating network supplying low-energy buildings
Rasmus Lund: Mapping of potential heat sources for large heat pumps in Denmark
Track 15: Low-temperature district heating grids / and buildings
Session keynote Jan Eric Thorsen: Thermal length of heat exchangers for the next generation of DH substations
Marek Brand: District heating substation with electric booster supplied by 40°C warm district heating water
Christian Engel: Highly prefabricated, tailor made District Heating and Cooling networks
Xiaochen Yang: Analysis of individual heating unit for domestic hot water production in multi-storey buildings with low temperature district heating
José C. Flores: Conceptual Study of the Integration of Decentralized Solar Heat Generation to a Low-Temperature District Heating Network via Substation Net-Metering