
Document Type Language Year Order ascending

Det nye forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektiv

Anders Nørgaard Jensen

Presentation at 4DH WP3 seminar on “State, local authority and utility company – business and administration” on April 12, 2016.

Presentations da 2016

Garantiprovision i kommunalretlig belysning

Lisa Christensen, Bent Ole Gram Mortensen

Presentation at 4DH WP3 seminar on “State, local authority and utility company – business and administration” on April 12, 2016.

Presentations da 2016

Aktualni trendovi u planiranju centraliziranih toplinskih sustava s visokoučinkovitom kogeneracijom na drvnu biomasu (Trends in the planning of district heating systems with highly efficient biomass cogeneration)

Antun Pfiefer, Domink Franjo Dominković, Boris Ćosić, Tomislav Novosel, Tomislav Pukšec, Goran Krajačić, Neven Duić

6th international conference on biomass and renewable energy sources; 02.12.2015. Zagreb

Presentations * 2015

Projekt BEAST – usporedba srednje velike kogeneracije na biomasu u Latviji i Hrvatskoj (Project BEAST – comparison of mid-sized biomass cogeneration plant in Latvia and Croatia)

Nikola Matak

6th international conference on biomass and renewable energy sources; 02.12.2015. Zagreb.

Presentations * 2015

Tribunals/Appeal Boards as an Alternative to Courts: Danish Experiences

Bent Ole Gram Mortensen

Presented at Conference on Law and Transitional Society - China-Northern Europe Forum on Judicial Civilization 2015. School of Law, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, Kina.

Presentations en 2015

The STRATEGO project - heating and cooling demand maping

Tomislav Novosel

2nd International Conference on District Energy, 24th of November 2015, Hotel Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Presentations en 2015

Renewable Energy Policy and Smart Energy System. Roundtable presentation at The 6th World Forum on China Studies

Henrik Lund

20-21 November 2015, Shanghai International Convention Center (SICC), Shanghai, China.

Presentations en 2015

A global Smart Energy Systems approach for long-term sustainable biomass consumption

Brian Vad Mathiesen

GSAIS International Symposiums on Human Survivability
Kyoto, JAPAN, November 19 2015

Presentations en 2015

Waste as a resource within Heat Roadmap Europe

Urban Persson

ISWA Waste-to-Energy 9th Beacon Conference in Malmö, 19 November 2015.

Presentations en 2015

IDA's Energy Vision 2050 - A smart energy system strategy for 100% renewable Denmark

Henrik Lund

The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA, conference presentation and release of the report. 17 November 2015. Link to the report.

Presentations en 2015

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