
Document Type Language Year

Det nye forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektiv

Anders Nørgaard Jensen

Presentation at 4DH WP3 seminar on “State, local authority and utility company – business and administration” on April 12, 2016.

Presentations da 2016

Garantiprovision i kommunalretlig belysning

Lisa Christensen, Bent Ole Gram Mortensen

Presentation at 4DH WP3 seminar on “State, local authority and utility company – business and administration” on April 12, 2016.

Presentations da 2016

Heat Roadmap Europe 2050 - Fjernvarmens rolle i Europa mot 2050

Henrik Lund

Presentation and paneldebate at "Fjernvarmedagene 2012". Clarion Hotel Oslo Airport 24-25 October 2012.

Presentations no 2012

Heat Roadmap Europe 2050

Henrik Lund

International workshop on Impact of the Energy Efficiency Directive and Development of Heat Markets and Pricing, Riga 4-5 December 2012.

Presentations en 2012

Heat Roadmap Europe

Henrik Lund

Energy Europe 2013 Conference, Bella Centre in Copenhagen 23 May 2013.

Presentations en 2013

Heat Roadmap Europe

Henrik Lund

Launch of the study Heat Road Map Europe II at the 36th Euroheat & Power Congress in Vienna Wednesday 27 May 2013.

Presentations en 2013

District Heating in the future

Henrik Lund

The practice of energy-saving technologies. Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Danfoss in Russia Convention Centre WTC, Moskow, 5 September 2013.

Presentations en 2013

Fjernvarmens rolle i fremtidens 100% VE energisamfund

Henrik Lund

Annual meeting of the Danish District Heating Industry, Silkeborg, Denmark 11 September 2013.

Presentations da 2013

Hearing on Future District Heating in the Danish Parliament's commitee on Climate, Energy and Buildings

Henrik Lund

Christiansborg 23 April 2014. Link to video (In Danish).

Presentations da 2014

Renewable energy systems - a smart energy systems approach to the choice and modelling of 100% renewable solutions

Henrik Lund

Plenary Key-note at 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection (SEEP). November 23-25, 2014, The British University in Dubai, DUBAI.

Presentations en 2014

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