Document | Type | Language | Year |
Integrating renewable energy sources and thermal storagesSven WernerBRE, October 10, 2013 |
Presentations | en | 2013 |
IntroductionProfessor Henrik LundPresentation on March 7th 2013 on the First Ph.d. Fellow Seminar of the 4GDH project |
Presentations | en | 2013 |
Introduction to 4th Generation District HeatingProfessor Henrik LundFirst annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
Key knowledge about: Proactive participation of CHP, Waste to Energy plants and wind turbines themselves in the electricity marketsAnders N. AndersenFirst annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
Konkrete anvendelser på varmepumper i DanmarkBjarne PaaskeGrøn Energi, Kolding 12 September 2013 |
Presentations | da | 2013 |
Kortlægningsværktøj m.m.Peter BrøndumGrøn Energi, Kolding 12 September 2013 |
Presentations | da | 2013 |
Large CHP plants in renewable energy systemsRasmus LundThird annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University 2014 |
Presentations | en | 2014 |
Least-cost solutions for the future energy systemSven WernerPresentation at the European parliament, Brussels, November 6, 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
Legal framework as a core element of district cooling success – the case of DenmarkBent Ole Gram Mortensen2014 Conference on Heat Energy (HE 2014), Wuhan, China, September 2014 |
Presentations | en | 2014 |
Lokalitetsprincippet i den danske kommunalfuldmagt set i forhold til forsyningsvirksomhedBent Ole Gram MortensenNordisk forvaltningsrettslig seminar 2012 |
Presentations | da | 2012 |