
Document Order ascending Type Language Year

Renewable energy systems - a smart energy systems approach to the choice and modelling of 100% renewable solutions

Henrik Lund

Plenary Key-note at 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection (SEEP). November 23-25, 2014, The British University in Dubai, DUBAI.

Presentations en 2014

Possibilities and costs of preparing existing Danish single family houses from the 1930s for space heating with low-temperature district heating

Dorte Skaarup Larsen

Presentation at International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating, 25 August 2015

Presentations en 2015

IDA's Energy Vision 2050 - A smart energy system strategy for 100% renewable Denmark

Henrik Lund

The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA, conference presentation and release of the report. 17 November 2015. Link to the report.

Presentations en 2015

Heating and cooling demand mapping and the utilization of district heating and cooling in energy planning: Case study for the city of Osijek

Tomislav Novosel, Tomislav Pukšec, Goran Krajačić, Ivica Mihaljević, Neven Duić

SDEWES 2015 - The 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 27th September - 2nd October 2015, Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Presentations en 2015

Heat demand mapping and the utilization of district heating in energy systems with a high share of renewables: Case study for the city of Osijek

Tomislav Novosel, Tomislav Pukšec, Goran Krajačić, Neven Duić

CONECT 2015 - Conference of Environmental and Climate technologies, 14th - 16th October 2015, Riga Technical University, Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering, Riga, Latvia

Presentations en 2015

Economic viability of biomass and MSW-fuelled district heating system: case of the city of Zagreb

Tihomir Tomić, Boris Ćosić, Daniel Rolph Schneider

Proceedings from 10th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 27/9-2/10 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Capacity Credit and Security of Supply: the Case of Renewable Energies in Denmark

Julia Fernandez Chozas, Brian Vad Mathiesen

Proceedings from 10th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 27/9-2/10 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Aktualni trendovi u planiranju centraliziranih toplinskih sustava s visokoučinkovitom kogeneracijom na drvnu biomasu (Trends in the planning of district heating systems with highly efficient biomass cogeneration)

Antun Pfiefer, Domink Franjo Dominković, Boris Ćosić, Tomislav Novosel, Tomislav Pukšec, Goran Krajačić, Neven Duić

6th international conference on biomass and renewable energy sources; 02.12.2015. Zagreb

Presentations * 2015

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