
Document Type Language Year Order ascending

Fourth Generation of District Heating Technology

Sven Werner

August 23, Finnish District Heating Days 2017.

Presentations en 2017

4. generations fjernvarme og lavtemperatur-opvarmning

Dorte Skaarup Østergaard

Ved varmens dag, Viborg, 5. februar 2017.

Presentations da 2017

Taking the Leap into UK District Energy

David Connolly

Presentation of the Heat Roadmap Europe Project at a Nordic Heat Strategy Workshop organised by BEIS, DIT, the British Embassy in Denmark and Nordic Heat.

Presentations en 2017

Strategic Energy Planning in countries and cities

Brian Vad Mathiesen and David Drysdale

SmartEnCity Webinar on 16 December 2016

Presentations en 2016

Heat Roadmap Europe

Sven Werner

Presentation at Zero Oslo, Nov 24, 2016

Presentations en 2016

Space heating with ultra-low-temperature district heating - A study of four single-family houses from the 1980s

Dorte Skaarup Østergaard

Presentation at The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, Seoul, 6th September 2016

Presentations en 2016

Global Challenges for District Heating and Cooling

Sven Werner

Keynote Presentation at 15th DHC Symposium, Seoul, Sept 5, 2016

Presentations en 2016

Samspillet mellem prisen på vindkraft, afgiftsændringer på vindkraft til varme, udvikling i PSO-niveau og lovgivning

Frede Hvelplund

Presentation at 4DH WP3 seminar on “State, local authority and utility company – business and administration” on April 12, 2016.

Presentations da 2016

De samfundsøkonomiske konsekvenser af en bedre integration af el og varme

Søren Djørup

Presentation at 4DH WP3 seminar on “State, local authority and utility company – business and administration” on April 12, 2016.

Presentations da 2016

Udvikling i kraftvarmekapacitet efter bortfald af grundbeløbet

Nina Detlefsen

Presentation at 4DH WP3 seminar on “State, local authority and utility company – business and administration” on April 12, 2016.

Presentations da 2016

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