
Document Type Language Year Order ascending

Space heating for existing buildings with LTDH

Dorte Skaarup Larsen

Presentation at 4DH PhD Seminar, 15 December 2014.

Presentations en 2014

Geographical representation of heat demand, efficiency and supply

Lars Grundahl

Presentation at 4DH PhD Seminar, 15 December 2014.

Presentations en 2014

Presentation on Sustainable Development, energy efficiency, combustion, cogeneration

Neven Duic

Presentations en 2014

4th Generation District Heating Flexible demand – why and how?

Neven Duic

Presentations en 2014

The impact of the establishment of the energy exchange market on energy planning

Neven Duic

Presentations en 2014

Future of energy systems in the context of energy planning and EU policy

Neven Duic

Presentations en 2014

Perspektiv på samfundsøkonomisk konsekvensvurdering

Søren Djørup

Presentations en 2014

Economic Assessment and Public Regulation

Søren Djørup

WP3 Seminar

Presentations en 2014

Heat Roadmap Europe

David Connolly

Presented at International Energy Agency

Presentations en 2014

Efficiency and competitiveness through innovation and smart integration

David Connolly

Presented at Europe’s Energy Future / round table discussion

Presentations en 2014

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