
Document Order ascending Type Language Year

Socio-economic calculation

Søren Djørup

Presentation at PhD seminar 13 March 2014

Presentations en 2014

Smart Heating Europe

Henrik Lund

Presentation at Side event to the EU conference on heating and cooling in Europe. Charlemagne Building. 25 February 2015, Brussels, Europe.

Presentations en 2015

Smart Energy Systems for large-scale renewable energy integration

Brian Vad Mathiesen

European Commission conference: Technology Challenges and Regional Approaches for Integrating Renewables and Energy Security, Brussels 27 May 2015

Presentations en 2015

Smart Energy Systems - the design of 100% renewable energy solutions

Henrik Lund

Plenary Key-note at 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2015). 27 September 27 - 3 October, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Presentations en 2015

Smart Energy Systems - Energy Efficient Buildings and the Design of Future Sustainable Energy Systems

Henrik Lund

Plenary Key-note at CISBAT 2015, Future Buildings and Districts – Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale. 9-11 September 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Presentations en 2015

Smart Energy Systems - the design of 100% renewable energy solutions

Henrik Lund

Plenary Key-note at 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection (SEEP 2015), University of the West of Scotland in Paisley,11-14 August 2015, Glasgow, Scotland.

Presentations en 2015

Smart Energy Denmark - without nuclear and fossil fuels

Henrik Lund

Presentation at Scientific Symposium: "Energy Union without Nuclear Power  -  Utopia or Perspective?". Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, 19 March, Vienna, Austria.

Presentations en 2015

Small CHP plants and heat pumps

Niels From

Second annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2013

Presentations * 2013

Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage in District Heating Systems

Ph.d. Fellow Sean M. Bryant

Presentation on March 7th 2013 on the First Ph.d. Fellow Seminar of the 4GDH project

Presentations en 2013

Samspillet mellem prisen på vindkraft, afgiftsændringer på vindkraft til varme, udvikling i PSO-niveau og lovgivning

Frede Hvelplund

Presentation at 4DH WP3 seminar on “State, local authority and utility company – business and administration” on April 12, 2016.

Presentations da 2016

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