
Document Type Language Order ascending Year

Heat Roadmap Europe - second prestudy

Sven Werner

Introduction seminar within the CELCIUS smart city project, Göteborg, june 11 ,2013

Presentations en 2013

District heating - European potential

Sven Werner

Chalmers Energy Conference, Göteborg, may 15th, 2013

Presentations en 2013

Future district heating including solar district heating

Sven Werner

First SDH conference, Malmö, April 2013

Presentations en 2013

Least-cost solutions for the future energy system

Sven Werner

Presentation at the European parliament, Brussels, November 6, 2012

Presentations en 2012

European potential of waste heat recovery via district heating

Urban Persson

CYCLE DE FORMATION ÉNERGIE – ENVIRONNEMENT SÉMINAIRE 2012-2013, 18th of April, 2013, Université de Genève

Presentations en 2013

Swedish experiences with heat pumps in district heating systems

Paul Ingvarsson

Presentations en 2013

Regulation framework for CHP and wind power

Frede Hvelplund

Second annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2013

Presentations en 2013

Distributed CHP plants in present and future electricity markets

Anders N. Andersen

Second annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2013

Presentations en 2013

The Survival of CHP plants

Jesper Koch

Second annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2013

Presentations en 2013

CHP plants in RES systems

Brian Vad Mathiesen

Second annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2013

Presentations en 2013

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