Document | Type | Language | Year |
Mapping local European heat resourcesUrban Persson13th International Symposium on Heating and Cooling, Copenhagen 3-4 September 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
Fjärde generationens Fjärrvärme i ett Europa-perspektivSven WernerThe Swedish District Heating Association, District heating days, Skövde, April 19, 2012 |
Presentations | se | 2012 |
Fjärrvärme- och energisystemforskning - en internationell utblickSven WernerSvensk Fjärrvärmes Strategidagar, 8-9 feb 2012 |
Presentations | se | 2012 |
Introduction to 4th Generation District HeatingProfessor Henrik LundFirst annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
Results from the Swedish Sparse District Heating project 2002-2006Professor Sven WernerFirst annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
State-of-the-art of Designing Future Sustainable Energy SystemsAssiate Professor Brian Vad MathiesenFirst annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
Swedish experience of district heating, transportation and biomassProfessor Leif GustavssonFirst annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
Key knowledge about: Proactive participation of CHP, Waste to Energy plants and wind turbines themselves in the electricity marketsAnders N. AndersenFirst annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
The Work on 4GDH within IEA District Heating & Cooling ProgrammeRobin WiltshireFirst annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |
The work on 4GDH in DenmarkProfessor Svend SvendsenFirst annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012 |
Presentations | en | 2012 |