
Document Type Language Year Order descending

Heat demand mapping and the utilization of district heating in energy systems with a high share of renewables: Case study for the city of Osijek

Tomislav Novosel, Marko Ban, Ivan Bačeković, Tomislav Pukšec, Goran Krajačić, Nataša Markovska, Vesna Borozan, Ivica Mihaljević, Neven Duić

International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating Systems, 25-26 August, 2015, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark

Presentations en 2015

Bidding and operation strategies in future energy markets – The transition of small district heating plants into market‐based smart energy systems

Peter Sorknæs

Ph.D. defence, 4 September 2015

Presentations en 2015

Smart Energy Systems - Energy Efficient Buildings and the Design of Future Sustainable Energy Systems

Henrik Lund

Plenary Key-note at CISBAT 2015, Future Buildings and Districts – Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale. 9-11 September 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Presentations en 2015

Bidding and operation strategies in future energy markets – The transition of small district heating plants into market‐based smart energy systems

Peter Sorknæs

Vidensdag i Grøn Energi, 28 September 2015

Presentations en 2015

Analysis and research on promising solutions of low temperature district heating without risk of Legionella

Xiaochen Yang

Presentation at the 14th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, Stockholm, Sweden September 2014

Presentations en 2015

Comparison of district heating expansion potentials based on consumer economy or socio economy

Lars Grundahl, Steffen Nielsen, Henrik Lund, Bernd Möller

Proceedings from 10th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 27/9-2/10 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Creating hourly distributions at national level for various energy demands and renewable energy supplies

David Connolly, David Drysdale, Kenneth Hansen, Tomislav Novosel

Proceedings from 10th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 27/9-2/10 2015.

Presentations en 2015

A 100% renewable energy scenario for Europe using a Smart Energy System approach

David Connolly, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Henrik Lund

Proceedings from 10th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 27/9-2/10 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Heat Roadmap Europe: Balancing heat supply and heat savings for various European countries

Kenneth Hansen, David Connolly, Henrik Lund, David Drysdale, Jakob Zinck Thellufsen

Proceedings from 10th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 27/9-2/10 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Impact of Energy Transition in Germany on the Nordic Power Market – A Blessing or Curse?

Behnam Zakeri, Sanna Syri, David Connolly, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Manuel Welsch

Proceedings from 10th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 27/9-2/10 2015.

Presentations en 2015

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