
Document Type Language Year Order descending

Heat Roadmap Europe

Professor Sven Werner

Presentation on February 1st 2012 on LOGSTOR Annual District Energy Sales Conference.

Presentations en 2012

Fjärrvärme- och energisystemforskning - en internationell utblick

Sven Werner

Svensk Fjärrvärmes Strategidagar, 8-9 feb 2012

Presentations se 2012

Regulatoriske rammer for fjernkøling

Bent Ole Gram Mortensen

Presentation on Marts 8th 2012 on Seminar on District Cooling held by Fjernvarmens Udviklingscenter. Held on the Internet.

Presentations da 2012

Fjärde generationens Fjärrvärme i ett Europa-perspektiv

Sven Werner

The Swedish District Heating Association, District heating days, Skövde, April 19, 2012

Presentations se 2012

European hot spots - mapping the local conditions for district heating within Heat Roadmap Europe

Sven Werner

Presentation on April 26th 2012 on Euroheat&Power and RHC conference and on June 13th on Euroheat&Power board meeting

Presentations en 2012

Heat pump integration in Energy Systems

Professor Henrik Lund

Keynote at Symposium on Advances in Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, DTU, May 15th 2012.

Presentations en 2012

From Smart Electricity Grids to Smart Energy Systems

Professor Henrik Lund

Keynote at the 5th international Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection (SEEP 2012), Dublin City University, Dublin June 5th 2012.

Presentations en 2012

Heat Roadmap Europe 2050

Professor Henrik Lund

Presentation and panel debate at the 13th international Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, Copenhagen, September 3rd 2012 and Euroheat and Power and Cogen Europe, Carlemagne building on june 21st 2012.

Presentations en 2012

From Smart Electicity Systems to Smart Energy Systems (The subsidiarity principle, local ownership and wind power integration)

Frede Hvelplund

Presentation in August 2012, Salzburg, Austria

Presentations en 2012

Lokalitetsprincippet i den danske kommunalfuldmagt set i forhold til forsyningsvirksomhed

Bent Ole Gram Mortensen

Nordisk forvaltningsrettslig seminar 2012

Presentations da 2012

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