System export for Danish DH companies becomes reality
Danish district heating companies have long been dreaming about the possibilities for system export. Now, for the first time, 8 Danish companies have landed an agreement with the American power developer NuPower LCC to deliver complete district heating systems for the city of Bridgeport, USA. A breakthrough that opens the door to a district heating market expected to grow with 33% before 2020.
- The decisive factor has been that we addressed the project with a complete district heating concept where each partner offers their own core competence. LOGSTOR is supplying the pipes, Kamstrup is supplying the gauges, and so on, and ABB and LOGSTOR are leading the project. We found the right mix that the client found attractive, says Jørgen Ægidius, Vice President of Sales at LOGSTOR’s District Energy division.
To ensure continuous success for the Danish district heating system export in the future he thinks it is important that the cooperation stays open and flexible and doesn’t become a charmed circle.
- The customers have been interested for some time, and now it is becoming reality. The next step is for our client to attract investors and partners to make the heating prices attractive for the consumers, Jørgen Ægidius says.
The plan is to start implementation in the beginning of 2016 with the companies ABB and LOGSTOR as project leaders and Kamstrup, DESMI, Damgaard Rådgivende Ingeniører, OE3i, F. W. Rørteknik and Broen as subcontractors.
From steam to water
In the United States district heating is still mostly steam based, so there is a long road ahead to the future 4th generation, low-temperature district heating. Nevertheless, the consortium of Danish DH companies will take Bridgeport one step forward with temperatures of around 90 degrees Celsius and the use of excess heat.
- Maybe we can create interest for a low temperature system, but it’s a process that will take many years. First, we need to demonstrate that we can run this with operating temperatures, equipment and organization, Jørgen Ægidius adds.
Access to HVO funds
The project is supported with 1,2 million Danish kroner (app. 160,800 euro) from the Danish Export Council’s programme ”High Value Opportunities” (HVO).