In the press

Document Type Language Order ascending Year

Researchers change the direction of EU heating strategy

Aalborg University

Press release from Aalborg University

The Press en 2016

EU insists energy security is about more than gas

Sonja van Renssen

Article at

The Press en 2016

Research drives district heating effort in Europe

Ingrid Ekstrôm

Press release from Halmstad University

The Press en 2016

Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating

Henrik Lund, Brian Vad Mathiesen

Editorial in Euroheat & Power no. 3/2015.

The Press en 2015

Beyond 2025, Copenhagen's road to 100% renewable energy supply

Chris Reeves

Interview with Brian Vad Mathiesen at Danish Architecture Centre.

The Press en 2015

From Kansas to Copenhagen: clean energy beacons around the world

Karl Mathiesen

Article in The Guardian, interview with Brian Vad Mathiesen

The Press en 2015

The urban environment: Clean-up time

Christian Oliver

Article in Financial Times, dec. 29, 2014.

The Press en 2014

Heat Roadmap Europe: Saving money with district heating

EuroHeat & Power, 10/2013

The Press en 2013

Heat Roadmap Europe: Mit Fernwärme Energie sparen in Gebäuden

Article in EuroHeat & Power 7-8/2013 pp. 18-19

The Press de 2013

Investering fra Innovationsfonden baner vejen for fremtidens fjernvarme og dansk milliardeksport

Henrik Lund & Brian Vad Mathiesen

News article about the investment from the Innovationsfonden.nnovationsfonden.

The Press da 2019

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