In the press

Document Type Language Year Order descending

Aalborg-forskere viser vejen til et København uafhængigt af fossile brændsler

Sanne Wittrup

Article in Ingeniøren, interview with Brian Vad Mathiesen.

The Press da 2015

Biomasse blokerer for klogt elforbrug

Interview with Professor Brian Vad Mathiesen from Aalborg University.

The Press da 2015

From Kansas to Copenhagen: clean energy beacons around the world

Karl Mathiesen

Article in The Guardian, interview with Brian Vad Mathiesen

The Press en 2015

Er EU-landene en flok olie- og gasnarkomaner?


Article about Sustainable Energy Week.

The Press da 2015

Pablo er optaget af fremtidens energi

Albertslund Posten

Interview with Pablo Navacerrada about his thesis in Low Temperature District Heating within the 4DH Research Centre, which is a part of his Master's degree in Sustainable Cities, Aalborg University.

The Press da 2015

Beyond 2025, Copenhagen's road to 100% renewable energy supply

Chris Reeves

Interview with Brian Vad Mathiesen at Danish Architecture Centre.

The Press en 2015

Anders Eldrup: Fjernvarmen kan blive nyt eksporteventyr

Mathias Ørsborg Johansen

Article on about former DONG Energy CEO Anders Eldrup's message as keynote speaker at the 4DH conference 2015.

The Press da 2015

Anders Eldrup: Systemeksport af fjernvarmeteknologi er vejen frem

Dansk Fjernvarme

Article on about former DONG Energy CEO Anders Eldrup's message as keynote speaker at the 4DH conference 2015.

The Press da 2015

Enormt varmebehov i Europas byer

Sissel Graver

Interview with Associate Professor at Aalborg University, David Connolly, in Energi fjernvarme no. 3 2015, p. 28-29.

The Press no 2015

Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating

Henrik Lund, Brian Vad Mathiesen

Editorial in Euroheat & Power no. 3/2015.

The Press en 2015

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